Wet dogs and water vapour

Autumn is in the air and whilst all around are bare paddocks grazed to the boards and we've had diddly squat rain, we've managed to capture the moisture from the small water cycle on our little patch of ground.

I haven't got the grazing 'perfect' but when I head out into the paddock to move the sheep to another area, at least my boots and my dogs get soaked - even before a 30 degree day!

We can't control when it rains - but we can influence our ability to capture mist, fog, frosts and dew...

So whilst everyone is trying to monetise the capture of carbon - what we really need to be focusing on is ensuring, as a global community, that we have plants, plants and more plants in our world. Green and living.

Thanks Tarwyn Park Training for delivering this important message to our Tassie audience.