Best bloke's book review ever!!!!

BEST BLOKES BOOK REVIEW EVER!!!! Blown away by this beautiful comment- someone asked ‘what was a book that changed their life or perspective?’ and this was Phil’s response! I can’t wait for him to read Milking Time too!

‘Might seem odd from a man but White Horses by Rachael Treasure disguised as a "romance novel" it is really about everything important, life, love, spirituality, wisdom, romance, working dogs, horses, tragedy, friendship, vulnerability, surfing, cattle, media scumbagery, betrayal, redemption, forgiveness, family suicide and did I mention working dogs?

Oh yeah it tackles the "ultra sexy" topic of regenerative agricultural, I know, I hear you say, wow I'll now rush out and get a copy but I have a diploma in holistic management, specialising in planned stock grazing and I've never read any author describe it, live it, breath it and celebrate it anything like Rachael, she took my cynical and somewhat hardened heart and seemingly wrote directly to me about the magical ability of nature to give you permission to be you if you just trust her.

Translation for "blokes" she writes good and discusses different farming techniques and the benefits of not being a d..k.
